We are very pleased to invite you to our second research seminar of this term at the Anglia Ruskin Centre for Intercultural and Multilingual Studies (ARRCIMS). In this seminar, Lewis Lawyer (Cambridge University Press) will talk about his work on the Wintun T’ewe texts, which he conducted while at UC Davies. See abstract below.
The seminar will take place online on Teams on 18th November 2021 at 4pm. To join, please email bettina.beinhoff@aru.ac.uk to receive the Teams link.
Philology, grammar, reclamation: Translating Wintun Tʼewe at a distance
Dr. Lewis C. Lawyer
In this talk I discuss my translations of three Wintun Tʼewe texts. Spoken by Wintun people in 1903 and 1910 and written down in field notebooks, the work of translating these texts is a combination of philology, linguistic analysis, and translation proper. But it is also cultural work. I am an outsider to the Wintun community. My culture is a settlers’ culture, steeped in violence against Indigenous peoples. My home is located on stolen Wintun land. I tread carefully, in consultation a relative of the original speakers of the texts. My goal is to ensure that the texts are treated with the respect they deserve and that my work serves the Wintun community.
Wintun Tʼewe (ISO code pwi), also known as Patwin, is a language of northern interior California. It is a member of the Wintuan language family, which is a member of the hypothesized Penutian stock. Formerly spoken in hundreds of communities, Wintun Tʼewe is now spoken by a small but growing number of Wintun language revitalizationists and their students. The texts are spoken by Tom Odock (“A trip to Mount Hermon” and “Working near Santa Rosa,” written in T. T. Waterman’s 1910 field notebook archived at the American Philosophical Society in Philadelphia) and by George Howell, Bob Wilson, George Byers, or Mary Byers (“Bird language,” written in H. B. Wilson’s 1903 field notebook also archived at the American Philosophical Society).
We are delighted to announce the first research seminar of the academic year 2021-22. On 21st October at 3pm, Dr. Oliver Mayeux will talk about his work on Louisiana Creole.
Date and time: 21st October at 3pm.
Location: online, please email bettina.beinhoff@aru.ac.uk for the Teams link.
«The linguistic consequences of racial segregation on Louisiana Creole»
Louisiana Creole, a French-lexifier creole, came into being in the 18th century amongst people enslaved on the plantations of the lower Mississippi River where French was the dominant language. The language stabilized at the beginning of the 19th century, around the time of Napoleon’s sale of Louisiana to the United States in 1803. The Louisiana Purchase ushered in a slow but steady process of Americanization and shift from French and Creole to English. This process also resulted in the racial bifurcation of Louisiana communities under Jim Crow. This talk describes the diachronic consequences of Louisiana Creole’s contact with French and English in the context of this segregation. In particular, the talk focuses especially on the question of a creole continuum: whether such a continuum has ever existed in Louisiana and whether it emerged through ‘decreolization’.
We are very honoured to welcome Dr. Daniel Weston (University of Hong Kong) to our seminar series this term. Daniel has researched extensively in the area of sociolinguistics and in particular on discourse in gatekeeping encounters. In our seminar, he will talk about his research into Cambridge admissions interviews. See below for the abstract.
As the second speaker in this seminar, Andrew Jarvis, our very own PhD candidate in Linguistics will present recent results of his PhD. He will talk about student investment in English at an English-medium university in Hong Kong.
Date: Thursday 04 March 2021
Time: 9.30am
The seminar will be held on MS Teams; please email the organiser for the link (bettina.beinhoff@aru.ac.uk)
Dr. Daniel Weston
Title: Illuminating Cambridge Admissions
This paper is a discourse analytical account of the undergraduate admissions interview at the University of Cambridge, a gatekeeping encounter to which researchers have previously been denied access due to its politically sensitive nature. The paper explores interviews within two disciplines, English Literature and Economics, drawn from a broader corpus of over 60 hours of interview data, recorded in 2014. It finds that the admissions interview is, contrary to its name and reputation, best characterized at the interactional level as a teaching scenario in the guise of an assessment interview. The concepts of role, role performance, and role shifting are shown to be particularly useful for capturing the different interactional functions that the admissions interview encompasses, as well as accounting for the systemic breakdowns in communication between interviewer and candidate. These findings are then discussed in relation to the broader societal context, and in terms of future research directions.
Andrew Jarvis, PhD student, ARU
Title: Promise Vs Reality: First-year undergraduates’ investment in English at a university in Hong Kong
More universities around the world are providing degree programmes in English. The promise of English for students includes enhanced language proficiency, increased employability, and opportunities for global networking. However, research into English-medium instruction has highlighted issues which contradict these promises. In this talk, I will present findings from my PhD study which focusses on student investment in English. The study used critical ethnography to track the experiences of ten undergraduates across their first year at an English-medium university in Hong Kong. These students use Cantonese as their first language and held the minimum English proficiency requirement to be admitted into the university. I will use Darvin and Norton’s (2015) model of investment to interpret the findings on the basis of identity, capital and ideology. The study shows the tension between the promise of English and the reality, and holds implications for university policy makers and language centres.
We are very pleased to welcome Dr. Alim Tusun (University of Cambridge) as the first speaker of our seminar series this term. Alim has researched extensively on bilingualism, most notably on less-well researched languages, such as Uyghur. In our seminar, he will present part of his study on Uyghur-Chinese bilingual children. See below for the abstract.
Our very own Stephan George will present recent results of his PhD research as the second speaker in this seminar. He will talk about the influence of culture on behavioural mimicry with a focus on gender as an important factor.
Date: Thursday 11 February 2021
Time: 10am
The seminar will be held on MS Teams; please email the organiser for the link (bettina.beinhoff@aru.ac.uk)
Dr. Alim Tusun, University of Cambridge
Title: Language-specificity and cross-linguistic influence in early successive bilinguals’ acquisition of motion expressions
The encoding of motion events has served as a fruitful venue for studying the universal and language-specific aspects of event representation (Talmy, 2000; Beavers et al., 2010; Slobin, 2004; Croft et al., 2010) and for studying the interface between child language acquisition and cognition (Bowerman, 2018; Hickmann, 2010). This study extends the latter line of inquiry and explores the role of language-specific properties and cross-linguistic influence in early successive bilingual children’s acquisition of motion expressions in Uyghur and Chinese (cf. Allen et al., 2007; Ji et al., 2011a, 2011b; Hickmann et al., 2018). Ninety-four bilingual children (4-, 6-, 8- and 10-year-olds) participated in a cartoon narration task. Our analysis showed that the bilinguals’ acquisition of motion expressions followed typical patterns expected for typologically similar languages in encoding motion (e.g., Turkish, French). However, their development in L2 Chinese was strikingly different from their age-matched monolingual Chinese peers. Specifically, while Chinese L1 children fully patterned in their motion descriptions with adult speakers from age 3 onwards, the bilinguals did not do so until the age of 8. This, we argue, is largely attributable to L1 influence. The broader implications of our findings will be discussed in relation to child spatial language acquisition and (child) bilingualism.
Stephan George, Anglia Ruskin University
Title: The impact of culture on behavioural mimicry
The phenomenon of mimicry, the sub-conscious copying of an interaction partner´s verbal e expressions and non-verbal behaviour, is known to be moderated by various factors such as liking, attractiveness or hormones. This study investigated the impact of cultural differences on mimicry. Hofstede´s 6-dimensional model was chosen to measure the degree of cultural differences between groups of participants. A total of 40 participants completed interaction tasks in dyadic pairs. The interactions were recorded with the help of audio and video-recording equipment. Non-verbal mimicry was measured with a set of predetermined set of non-verbal behaviours that were carried out within 10 seconds after the initial display by the interaction partner. Furthermore, each participant completed a personality test and underwent a debriefing interview in order to control for effects of other moderating variables. The following analysis revealed no significant correlation between the degree of cultural difference and the amount of mimicry that was displayed. However, a statistically significant correlation was found between gender and mimicry. While female/female dyads showed the highest number of mimicry, male/male dyads. Furthermore, on average female participants displayed mimicry at higher rates than their male counterparts. The results suggest that cultural differences do not have a moderating effect on mimicry and that the link between gender and mimicry should be subject to further investigation.
Syntactic distance and L2 learnability: the case of English Relative Clauses
Dora Alexopoulou, University of Cambridge
(joint work with Xiaobin Chen and Ianthi Tsimpli)
Similarity between L1 and L2 facilitates learning. The more L1-L2 similarities exist, the more comprehensible the L2 input is for the learner, leading to faster learning (Kellerman 1983, Jarvis and Pavlenko 2007). This long-held view in the SLA literature has found recent confirmation in studies showing that the linguistic distance with the L1 can predict attainment in L3 (Schepens et al 2020).
Linguistic distance is usually measured on the basis of lexico-statistical metrics used in phylogenetic typology, and more recently on metrics of morphological complexity and phonological similarity (van der Silk et al 2019, Schepens et al 2020). Its effect on learning is identified in broad outcomes like test scores in proficiency tests.
Our aim in this talk is to understand the effect of L1-L2 syntactic distance focusing on the process of acquisition rather than overall outcomes. Specifically, we focus on the effect of syntactic distance on the acquisition of the different relativisors in L2 English Relative Clauses (RCs) addressing the following research questions.
1. Is there an effect of global linguistic distance, as captured by broad typological classifications, on the acquisition of RCs, independent of L1-L2 differences around individual features?
2. Is there an effect of local syntactic distance regarding variation in the domain of the syntax of RCs?
3. Do individual features contribute to syntactic distance equally? Or do inherent properties of linguistic features (e.g. their interpretability) make some features more challenging for learners independently of L1-L2 linguistic distance?
To answer these questions we measure syntactic distance on the basis of differences in parameter settings, adopting the methodology of Longobardi and Guardiano 2009. We use macro-parameters (Huang and Roberts 2016) to measure global distance and micro-parameters to calculate local distance. RCs show rich crosslinguistic variation regarding the choice of relativisors which allows us to investigate the effect of local distance as well as individual features. For our empirical investigation we use the EFCAMDAT corpus, a corpus of writings of students of English as a foreign language (Geertzen et al 2013). The corpus has data from learners around the world with diverse linguistic backgrounds enabling an investigation of the following linguistic backgrounds: Chinese, Japanese, Russian, German, Brazilian Portuguese and Arabic.
Geertzen, J., Alexopoulou, T., & Korhonen, A. (2013). Automatic linguistic annotation of large scale l2 databases: The EF-Cambridge Open Language Database (EFCAMDAT).In in proceedings of the 31st Second Language Research Forum (SLRF), Carnegie Mellon, Cascadilla Proceedings Project.
Huang, C.-T. J., & Roberts, I. (2016). Principles and parameters of universal grammar. In I. Roberts (Ed.), The Oxford handbook of universal grammar. Oxford University Press.
Jarvis, S., & Pavlenko, A. (2007). Crosslinguistic influence in language and cognition. Routledge.
Kellerman, E. (1983). Now you see it now you don’t. In S. Gass & L. Slinker (Eds.), Language transfer in language learning (p. 112-134).
Longobardi, G., & Guardiano, C. (2009). Evidence for syntax as a signal of historical relatedness. Lingua, 119 (11), 1679 – 1706.
Schepens, J., van Hout, R., & Jaeger, T. F. (2020). Big data suggest strong constraints of linguistic similarity on adult language learning. Cognition, 194 , 104056.
van der Slik, F., van Hout, R., & Schepens, J. (2019). The role of morphological complexity in predicting the learnability of an additional language: The case of LA (additional language) Dutch. Second Language Research, 35 (1), 47-70.
We are proud to host the first of our distinguished speaker lectures this academic year. We are very honoured to have Naomi Nagy speak to us on one of her recent projects on cross-generational change in heritage languages in Toronto. To continue the theme of research on heritage languages, one of our PhD students, Kate Lightfoot will speak about her work on heritage French at UK schools. See below for the abstracts.
The event was held live on Zoom on Tuesday 20th October at 3pm (UK-time).
A recording of the event is available to watch here:
Naomi Nagy (University of Toronto, Canada)
Cross-generational change in heritage languages in Toronto?
The Heritage Language Variation and Change project (Nagy 2009, 2011) is based on intergenerational comparisons (i.e., how many generations since the family immigrated to Toronto?) of speakers in language diaspora in Toronto. I will discuss some differences between the results of experimental studies and our variationist sociolinguistic studies based on spontaneous speech. The focus will be on the picture we see of intergenerational differences, as well as differences between homeland vs. heritage varieties. In general, greater linguistic stability is illustrated by the variationist approach than experimental methods. The data are from studies of Voice Onset Time (VOT), case marking, and null subject pronoun variation (listed at http://projects.chass.utoronto.ca/ngn/HLVC/1_5_publications.php). The languages discussed include Cantonese, Faetar (a Francoprovençal variety spoken in southern Italy), Italian, Korean, Polish, Russian and Ukrainian.
Nagy, N. 2009. Heritage Language Variation and Change in Toronto. http://projects.chass.utoronto.ca/ngn/HLVC/
Nagy, N. 2011. A multilingual corpus to explore geographic variation. Rassegna Italiana di Linguistica Applicata 43.1-2:65-84.
See also: http://projects.chass.utoronto.ca/ngn/HLVC/1_5_publications.php
Kate Lightfoot (Anglia Ruskin University, Cambridge, UK)
UK language teachers’ experiences of teaching heritage speakers in the L2 classroom
The UK is home to a large population of French speakers, and French is one of the most widely taught modern foreign languages at GCSE and A level (ONS, 2015; Tinsley, 2019). Despite this, little is known about the heritage speakers of French who participate in French lessons for foreign language learners at school. The phenomenon of teaching a ‘native’ speaker alongside L2 learners presents significant challenges for language teachers. Based on thematic analysis of survey and interview data, my presentation discusses teachers’ experiences of teaching French to heritage speakers, including: rewards and challenges; exam performance; teacher training, and examples of differentiation to accommodate heritage speakers in the classroom.
Office for National Statistics, 2015. 2011 Census General Report for England and Wales. Newport: ONS.
Tinsley, T. 2019. Language Trends 2019. London: British Council.
Linguistics research afternoon
Tuesday 03. December 2019, 2-4pm in LAB 211.
Dr. Dora Alexopoulou
(University of Cambridge)
«The role of syntactic complexity in L2 development»
Dr. Bettina Beinhoff & Dr. Sebastian Rasinger
«Languages on the Voyager space probe»
All welcome. There will be wine and mince pies.
Prof. Jean-Marc Dewaele (Birkbeck, University of London)
Positive Psychology in foreign language learning and teaching
18th November 2019, 6.00pm-8.00pm in Hel 251
I will talk about an emerging area of research in the field of foreign language learning and teaching, which was triggered by the introduction of Positive Psychology (PP). It has focused on the role of emotions in foreign language learning and teaching, beyond established concepts like foreign language anxiety and constructs like motivation and attitudes toward the foreign language. As a result, a more nuanced understanding of the role of positive and negative learner and teacher emotions emerged, underpinned by solid empirical research using a wide range of epistemological and methodological approaches (Dewaele et al., 2018, 2019a, b).
Dr. Henriette Hendriks (University of Cambridge)
The acquisition of time by first and second language learners
11th November 2019, 6.00pm-8.00pm in Hel 251
In this talk, I will compare child first and adult second language learners acquiring the linguistic expression of the conceptual domain of time. Comparing adult L2 and child L1 learners allows us to better understand the role that cognitive maturity plays in language learning as opposed to the specific linguistic features of the languages to be acquired.
After having defined what I understand by the expression of temporality (referring, amongst others, to Reichenbach and Vendler), in the first section I will give an overview of the information we currently have about how the understanding of temporality develops during early childhood, referring to the studies of Piaget and Nelson. In the second section, I will give a brief overview of studies on the expression of temporality generally in young children, and adult L2 learners, referring to work by Nelson, Clark, Antinucci and Miller and and Bardovi-Harlig, Klein and Perdue (amongst others). Finally, in the third section, I will discuss in detail how children and adult L2 learners differ in the way in which they learn to express temporality in the context of narrative discourse.
It will be shown that even though adults and children have different levels of cognitive understanding of temporality, and are therefore expected to show a different route of acquisition, we also find similarities in expression, that are in need of an explanation.
ARRCIMS is proud to host three conferences this spring/summer.
31 May, 2019 «Opportunities for Linguistics in the MFL Curriculum»
The conference will provide delegates with a rich agenda, including an overview of MFL teaching in the UK and an insight into some linguistic case studies that have involved schools and younger learners. The conference is free to attend, and lunch will be provided.
More information on the conference is here: https://sites.google.com/view/linguisticsinmfl/
More information on the «Linguistics in MFL» project is here: http://www.cantab.net/users/jrkasstan/MFL/index.html
22-23 June 2019 «8th Language Creation Conference (LCC8)»
The Language Creation Conference is an international conference discussing issues related to the craft of language creation, or “conlanging”. The conference is a set of talks and panel discussions about various issues related to language creation from several different perspectives. It includes both fairly technical linguistic discussions as well as more artistic, sociological, or philosophical ones; examples of craft in action; voices from many parts of the conlanging community; and opportunities to socialize with fellow conlangers from all over the world. Every two years or so, the Language Creation Society holds a Language Creation Conference. Presenters include people from many parts of the conlanging community and from all over the world. All proceeds go to the LCS.
More information about the conference and how to register is here: https://conlang.org/language-creation-conference/lcc8/
17-19 July 2019 «12th International Conference on (Im)politeness – Within and beyond mainstream approaches to (im)politeness»
(Im)politeness has been a topic of extensive research over the past few decades. Consequently, researchers working in the field have over the years proposed, developed and adopted a wide range of theoretical, analytical and methodological approaches to (im)politeness in human interaction. Due to the popularity of (im)politeness as an academic area, it is of utmost importance to encourage further synergies between researchers who do research on this topic with a view to proposing new agendas, directions and avenues for research. This endeavour requires researchers to examine, with a fresh eye, how mainstream approaches to (im)politeness can be brought together with less mainstream uptakes.
More information on the conference and how to register is here: https://sympol12.wixsite.com/conference
You are all cordially invited to our second postgraduate research seminar.
Our two speakers in this seminar are Kate and Stephan who will be talking about their PhD projects. Each talk will last about 20 mins, so there will be plenty of time for questions, general discussion and socialising.
Kate Lightfoot «Heritage languages and their grammars»
Stephan George «The impact of culture on behavioural mimicry»
Date: Monday, 25th March
Time: 4pm-6pm
Room: Hel 303
Refreshments will be provided.
We very much look forward to seeing you at the seminar.
In this session, Prof. Auxiliadora Durán will explore the representation of immigrant women in South Korean cinema, mainly as marriage migrants. In the context of historical ethnic homogeneity and strong nationalism, South Korean cinema has joined the discussions about new ethnicities and social realities that question the traditional concept of bloodline citizenship. The representation of North Koreans characters has become another complex scenario that challenges questions of ‘Koreanness’.
Speaker: Dr. Auxiliadora Durán, Malaga University
Location: Anglia Ruskin University, Cambridge, Hel 217
Time: Monday, 18th March, 18:00 to 20:00
For most students, our intercultural communication classes are a stepping stone to some bigger goal of employment or further study, and it is essential to clarify the link to employability throughout a degree. The proposed intercultural communication workshop aims to achieve this by giving examples of intercultural training in IC companies such as Communicaid, a global provider with head office in London, and by exploring networking opportunities for staff and students.
Speaker: Erica Berzaghi, SIETAR UK, Study Skills Plus
Date: Wednesday, 13th March
Location: Anglia Ruskin University, Cambridge, Hel 251
Time: Wednesday, 13th March, 6pm-9pm
In this guest lecture, Prof. Werner Delanoy will explore the continuities between interculturality and transculturality through selected literary examples.
Speaker: Prof. Werner Delanoy, Klagenfurt University, Austria
Location: Anglia Ruskin University, Cambridge, Hel 217
Time: Monday, 4th March, 18:00 to 20:00
You are warmly invited to our first ARRCIMS postgraduate research seminar.
Our first two speakers in this series are Faris and Trang who will be talking about their PhD projects. Each talk will last about 20 mins, so there will be plenty of time for questions, general discussion and socialising.
Trang Nguyen: «Intelligibility in Vietnamese L2 accents of English and the influence of intelligibility on social evaluations of the speaker»
Faris Allehyani: «How Personality Traits Moderate the Effects of Cultural Tightness on Intercultural Communication Competence Development»
Date: Monday, 25th February
Time: 4pm-6pm
Room: Hel 304
Refreshments will be provided.
We very much look forward to seeing you at the seminar.
Prof. Birgit Neumann’s talk sets out to investigate the importance of literature for the enhancement of intercultural awareness and intercultural competence. Key questions include: How can we explore cultural encounters in literature? Which aspects have to be taken into account? Similar questions have to be answered for the analysis of other forms of narrative, including film, youtube videos and autobiographies, which makes this talk relevant for students and staff from numerous disciplines.
Speaker: Prof. Dr. Birgit Neuman, Düsseldorf University
Location: Anglia Ruskin University, East Road, Cambridge CB1 1PT, Hel 252
Time: Friday, 25th January 2019, 14.00-16.00
In cinematic accounts of the plight of asylum seekers, the image of the boat usually functions as a metonym for the bodies on the boat that are rarely shown. In particular the Vietnamese refugee experience is inevitably linked to the indistinct notion of ‘boat people’. In this context this talk will discuss contemporary Asian-Australian films on refugees and the filmmakers’ decision to literally erase the visual iconography of the boat. Further, the notion of ‘decolonizing the gaze’ will be discussed. In what ways do these films emphasise the dialectical relationship between the spectator’s and the refugee’s gaze, thereby destabilise the subjectivities of observer and observed.
Speaker: Victoria Herche, Cologne University, 29th October 2018
Location: Anglia Ruskin University, East Road, Cambridge CB1 1PT, r.t.b.c.
Time: Monday, 29th October, 18.00-20.00
Through an analysis of aspects of Levy’s Small Island interwoven with passages from a documentary about the Windrush generation, Dr Faulkner will explore how the writer is able to offer us a transcultural vision of identity. This vision celebrates ambivalence and challenges notions of selfhood and orders of meaning as fixed and linear identities in particular through a return to and a repossession of a hitherto silenced past via language as a tool of enslavement and liberation, but also through the emergence of a polyphonic text with a plurality and an interweaving of discourses.
Speaker: Dr Marie-France Faulkner, Cambridge
Location: Anglia Ruskin University, East Road, Cambridge CB1 1PT, r.t.b.c.
Time: Monday, 15th October, 18.00-20.00
After a presentation of the new ARRCIMS website by co-directors Prof. Guido Rings and Dr. Bettina Beinhoff we welcome 2 guest speakers: Dr. Henriette Hendriks, who will give a talk on «Becoming multilingual: just a new language, or also a new culture and way of thinking?», and Prof. Joanne Leal, who will explore «Cinematic Approaches to Intercultural Communication». There will be a drinks reception after the presentations with opportunities for networking.
Speakers: Dr. Henriette Hendriks, Cambridge University, Cambridge — Prof. Joanne Leal, Birbeck College, London.
Location: Room Hel 110, Anglia Ruskin University, East Road, Cambridge CB1 1PT
Time: Friday, 27th April 2018, 16:00-18:00
As part of the research conference “Representación de las migraciones en el cine”, this paper explores the destabilization of cultural hiearchies by transcultural memory and affect in Philipe Lioret’s Welcome (2009).
Speaker: Prof. Guido Rings, Anglia Ruskin University, Cambridge
Location: Granada University, Instituto de Migraciones, Calle Zamora, Parcela 111-112, 18151 Ogíjares, Granada
Time: Friday, 9th March 2018, 10:00 to 10:50
More than most other European countries, contemporary France has been deeply marked by mass immigration, in particular from Africa, and French cinema has joined the often rather polemic media debate about the country’s ‘multiculturalism’ as an outstanding example of minority reflections on the topic. This public paper is part of the Edmund Lecture Series and explores cultural encounters in one recent example of French cinema: Kaurismäki’s Le Havre (2011).
Speaker: Prof. Guido Rings, Anglia Ruskin University, Cambridge
Location: E1.01 Suffolk House, West Suffolk College, Out Risbygate, Bury St Edmunds, IP33 3RL
Time: Wednesday, 7th March 2018, 18:00 to 19:00
This conference draws on 15 years of Eurocampus research, and is hosted by Universidade Aberta in Coimbra. Organisers: Prof. Guido Rings, Anglia Ruskin University, Cambridge; Prof. Claus Ehrhardt, Urbino University.
Speakers: Prof. Jan ten Thije, Utrecht; Prof. Liisa Salo-Lee, Jyväskylä; Prof. Bernd Müller-Jacquier, Bayreuth; Dr. Anne Ife, Cambridge; Prof. João Caetano, Coimbra; Gian-Louis Hernández, Lugano; Prof. Anastassia Zabrodskaja, Tallinn; Prof. Jolanta Drzewiecka, Lugano; Prof. Peter Stockinger, Paris; Prof. Gesine Schiewer, Bayreuth; Prof. Guido Rings, Cambridge; Prof. Claus Ehrhardt, Urbino; Peter Kistler, Bayreuth
Location: Rua Alexandre Herculano, n.º 52, 3000 – 019 Coimbra, Portugal
Time: Saturday, 27th January 2018, 9:00 to 19:00